Procedure to migrate database to CiviEngage format ===================================================== 1. After the db has been upgraded, import migrate/custom_groups_fields.sql file to - A. For all $customGroups in DB2 if ( $customGroups IS ONE OF standard custom group generated by xml ) => Fix table_name column to remove $_id suffix; B. For all $customFields in DB2 if ( $customFields IS ONE OF standard custom field generated by xml ) => Fix column_name column to remove $_id suffix; C. Fix columns and tables which does not match even after removing $_id suffix. Note above steps don't do any thing to structure / data of custom_value_*_id tables. 2. Import migrate/custom_tables.sql file to copy standard custom_value_* tables to the db. After importing the file, the db will have two different sets of tables - custom_value_* tables, custom_value_*_$id tables. 3. Import migrate/custom_data.sql file (after reading the note below) to - A. Migrate data from custom "custom_value_*_$id" -to-> "custom_value_*" tables. B. Migrate core data from "custom_value_*_$id" tables to contact core fields. C. Migrate columns to be retained with data, from "custom_value_*_$id" -to-> "custom_value_*" tables. B. Drop old "custom_value_*" tables at the end. Note: Above script uses hard-coded old column and table names. Please verify these names and adjust if required before importing. 4. Import migrate/profiles.sql to re-create all standard profiles. Note rest of the extra profile's fields will need to be updated manually, to match with migrated custom groups and fields.