{% load i18n %} {% load modeltags %} {% load arithmetictags %} {% load htmltags %}
{% with proposal as object %}{% with "reference" as name %} {% include "detail_field.html" %} {% endwith %}{% endwith %} {% with proposal as object %}{% with "begin_date" as name %} {% include "detail_field.html" %} {% endwith %}{% endwith %} {% with proposal as object %}{% with "end_date" as name %} {% include "detail_field.html" %} {% endwith %}{% endwith %}
{{ proposal.get_remaining_to_invoice }}
{{ proposal.get_payment_delay }}
{% if proposal.proposal_rows.all %}
{% for proposalrow in proposal.proposal_rows.all %} {% endfor %}
{% trans "Label" %} {% trans "Category" %} {% trans "Quantity" %} {% trans "Unit price" %} {% trans "Total price" %}
{{ proposalrow.label }} {{ proposalrow.get_category_display }} {{ proposalrow.quantity }} {{ proposalrow.unit_price }} {{ proposalrow.unit_price|multiply:proposalrow.quantity }}
{% else %}
{% trans "No rows" %}
{% endif %}